07 Digital Age



The so-called “digital revolution” is different from those that have come before, as it has transformed not only our systems of communication, but also our very lives. We are living in the digital age, which has changed the ways in which knowledge is created, transferred and utilised. This has brought us a range of benefits, such as communication in real time and easy access to information. However, it also has a “dark side”, such as increased isolation, the diminishing of interpersonal relationships and the rise of digital fraud and piracy. In turn, this has raised a number of questions, such as: How have these changes affected society? Do companies benefit from using ICT? Is having access to information whenever and wherever we want it a positive development?

All these questions have fed into the theme of our seventh Quorum monograph, The Digital Age. In this edition, numerous experts from UPF Barcelona School of Management and UPF-IDEC offer their opinions on the Digital Age: discussing new technologies, the collaboration economy and regulation; new technologies and their impact on education; the impact of the Digital Age on the communications, journalism, banking and public relations industries; and other related subjects. The monograph concludes with a practical case study from students of the Master of Science programs, who, thanks to the advancements of the Digital Age, have been able to participate directly in the challenges set by the multinational textile design firm Mango. The opinions of our students complement the diverse, multidisciplinary perspectives of the other contributors. We at Quorum invite you to read our publication and share your views with us.

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